Terra Australis

The last photos from Neptune/Triton symbolize where we are right now in the game.

When you plot out where Neptune/Triton were at 12:40 August 25 1989 (Neptune and Triton are at virtually the same point in space when you observe from Earth), N/T are right over the western side of Australia, with no significant landmarks nearby, just that sea of desert. 

The Telfer gold mine is near there, but nothing I would recognize as a clue for us.

When you look up 8:40, you end up in the actual sea off east Australia. Being in the southern hemisphere does make sense, since Sagittarius is such a Southerly constellation.

"Look within"? When you extend through the Earth and come out the other side, you are in the Northern hemisphere, but still way South, away from the continental USA. A gentle nudge from hacking into the game suggests we should still be interested in a point near Washington DC, - but that is a VERY gentle nudge.

And "look within the Moon" just has a different feel to it. Triton helped out a generation of frustrated cartographers, letting them name dozens of features on the large fraction of Triton that got well imaged, but none of the features really rings a bell. A large serving of global deities get references, but ones associated with Morocco - or even the Middle East - got shorted. We do get to learn what a "sulcus" is, though ...

Maybe "the Moon" is our Moon? ... A task to be reported on next time.


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